Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Power to Change a Child's Life Through a Little Observation.

All of us have the power to change a child's world.  The change I'm referring to doesn't involve mountains of time or even a large charitable contribution.  It's a fairly simple step that has the potential to change a life.  It could change one's self image, interactions with others, as well as improve their happiness and quality of life. All you have to do is be observant.  Screening your child for scoliosis is so very important.  Why?  Because early diagnosis leads to better outcomes!

As a scoliosis patient myself I understand how this condition affects a person physically and emotionally.  My life --- the last 27 years of my story could have been positively altered if the treatment options available today were available when I was diagnosed.  For me, watching and waiting eventually led to a 42.5 degree curve, pain, a rib hump that I worked extremely hard everyday to conceal, and much emotional pain.  I worked hard EVERYDAY to hide my deformity!  Not a day went by in which my back was absent from my mind.  For many years I hoped and prayed for a new treatment that could help me. As an adult with scoliosis I was told there was nothing I could do for curvature correction except surgery, but shouldn't get surgery unless absolutely necessary because of the risks involved.  Today there are treatment approaches that utilize specific adjustments, vibration therapy, and exercises to correct and retrain the neurological control of the spine to stabilize and correct curvature.

I'm thankful that I'm in treatment today and have experienced a total life change, but this didn't happen for me until 27 years after my diagnosis (diagnosed at 12 years old).  With early diagnosis treatment outcomes and results are generally better.  It could change a child's life so that they do not have to experience what I did for so many years.  Early detection can help many children avoid the need for surgeries, bracing, emotional scars, pain, and low self-esteem. 

I hope I've painted a picture to show how this SMALL step of scoliosis screening can lead to BIG changes for a child - not only in their childhood, but throughout their lifetime. 

Here's some info provided by ScoliSMART that you may find helpful.

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